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#CangasdelNarcea #Degaña #Ibias

Dónde dormir

Apartamento rural

Rural apartments Valles del Narcea

2 keys

Bimeda - Cangas del Narcea - Asturias

Teléfono: 985 81 70 70


Also in the basement of the building have a museum of agriculture and livestock. Nearby we have a large recreation area (green area), with parking and the installation of a traditional bowling Vaqueiro Pasabolo mode (with the availability of a monitor) that also serves to practice this modality such as school children and youth initiation to promote this sport and socio-cultural activity so much tradition and roots in the region. To all the above, and to complete our tourism, we have activities for alternative entertainment such as the routes (by foot or car) in which the enjoyment of nature and knowledge of the environment are secured with the help of a native and expert on the area. Taxi service is available for any shift.


  • Parking
  • Rutas
Coordenadas GPS:Latitud: 43° 541,2692Norte - Longitud: 6° 3153,2308Oeste
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